6 Years Experience

The company has about 6years experience, growing rapidly due to its reputation for quality products and innovative services.


Award Winning

Recently won the Award of Quality Product Service for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Oil, which is a testimony to our products’ quality.


Certified Company

Our ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & OHSAS 18001:2007 are testimonies that we are a certified Oil and Gas company.


Product Innovation

Our expansion projects, operational excellence, and the innovative ideas we have introduced in our system have earned us more customers.


Welcome to the official website of Polar PetroChemicals Limited, Africa’s fastest rising Company in the Oil and Gas sector, and authorised makers of the Polar® ranges of products.


Polar Petrochemicals Limited was incorporated in the year 2010 as an indigenous Oil and Gas Company in the downstream sector of the economy. The company has Technical Partnership relations with POLAR OIL & GAS INC. Texas, USA and enjoys the exclusive franchise to produce its lubricant brands in Nigeria and Africa.

In Polar Petrochemicals Ltd., we have in place a quality program that guarantees value to our customers and ensures excellence in the management of available resources.

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